Ade Hartati Chosen as an Inspirational Figure

By : Jon Afrizal

Pekanbaru ( – The Covid-19 pandemic has not yet ended. Many activities are restricted to break the chain of spreading Covid-19. however, as a member of the Riau Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Ade Hartati Rahmat continues to carry out his duty to absorb the aspirations of the people of Pekanbaru City who are her constituencies while still paying attention to health protocols.

During the recess in the midst of this pandemic, Ade was still able to interact with various elements of society which was held from December 20, 2020 to January 2021. Starting from joint sports activities by carrying out zumba days, to leadership for Posyandu cadres throughout Pekanbaru City.

Ade Hartati’s long journey as a member of the legislature and having been able to prove as an influential female figure in Riau has made Sumec TV’s management crown Ade Hartati as an inspiring figure.

“With a unique background and high fighting power to reach her current position, Ade Hartati can inspire women to also motivate women to be able to fight harder and never give up in achieving their goals,” explained Sumec TV CEO, Raja Susi Dewi Yanti.

In the celebration of Mother’s Day, 22 Dec 2020, three female figures were named by Sumec TV management as inspirational figures, namely Ade Hartati Rahmat, Eva Yuliana, and Misharti.

“This nominee was chosen together with a coach from Sumec TV consisting of community leaders who are also coaches from Sumec TV. I really hope that the selection of these three inspirational figures can provide encouragement for other women to continue moving forward according to the motto of Mother’s Day, namely empowered women, Indonesia advances, “added Raja Susi.

“Alhamdulillah, Sumec TV with Ade Hartati and two inspirational figures who entered the nominee made a mutual agreement for a talkshow every two weeks to present as a resource person on Sumec TV with the theme that more voices of women in politics and real work,” concluded the CEO of Sumec TV. *
