Free Online Study Quota, Ade Hartati: Riau Provincial Government Must Make Sure The Program Runs Effectively

Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pdm the memner of V Commision DPRD Riau.
Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pdm the memner of V Commision DPRD Riau.

Pekanbaru ( – The use of internet quotas at pandemic has increased sharply for distance learning needs. Not only higher education, but up to the Elementary School level. This was done to break the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic chain which was increasingly is over.

Distance learning does not always run smoothly. Not all students have quota and not all regions have a stable network. For example, students who live in the remote areas.

Recently the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim made the universe busy with his statement that he had secured a budget of 7.2 trillion for the internet quota of students, teachers, students and lecturers. In addition to the Minister of Education and Culture, the Riau Provincial Government will also provide free quota assistance for learning of 10 GB per month.

Responding to this, a member of Commission V of the Riau Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pd, revealed several advantages and potential leaks.

“We have to make sure that the network in each area is adequate in 12 regencies and cities. Then we have to confirm whether all children have smart phones, if in the city, on average, what about in the village?” Explained Ade Hartati.

“The government must have an MoU with the provider to ensure that all regions have an adequate network. In addition, it is recommended that in some areas several hot spots are guaranteed to be used so that children can access the internet optimally. The duty of the provincial government is to ensure that all children have telephone devices, “added Ade.

“Regarding teachers, human resources, do all teachers understand to provide online learning, don’t later have facilities but can’t use them, don’t be in wasteful, must support each other. In addition, there must be consistency regarding learning hours so that learning is well patterned,” concluded Ade Hartati.
