Handling of Covid-19 is Slow, Ade Hartati: The Government Must Commit!

Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pdm the memner of V Commision DPRD Riau.
Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pdm the memner of V Commision DPRD Riau.

Pekanbaru (Amirariau.com) – Handling the spread of Covid-19 has not shown happy results. Day after day the increase in cases jumped sharply plus the allocation of funds that was considered not optimal. Ade Hartati Rahmat, M.Pd, Member of Commission V DPRD Riau increasingly loudly voiced the importance of the right steps in overcoming Covid-19 in Riau.

“We have arrived at a conclusion that the budget allocation and PSBB are only to legitimize the budget reallocation of 481 billion. Health care and patient examination services from 63 M, only 14.18 billion have been disbursed and for economic stimulants from 25 billion, which have been budgeted, have not been used at all,”Said Ade.

Ade emphasized that no one knows and predicts when Covid-19 will end. Initially the government and society were optimistic about the Riau Provincial Government in dealing with Covid-19. Immediately the government took action that we had to reallocate the budget to deal with Covid-19 according to what was needed now, with a 3-stage budget reallocation. From the data presented on the official website of the Riau Provincial Government,  corona.riau.go.id , the number has increased so that the Riau Provincial Government adopted a PSBB policy for six city districts.

“I remind, our governor has the authority regulated in law number 23 of 2014, the first is to coordinate with city districts. The second will synchronize the things that are deemed necessary especially in relation to this condition. The current condition of the governor should have the power to coordinate everything both to the central government and to the regent and all his staff so that Riau does not become the new center of Covid-19. Is this not optimal to do or only half-way handling? ” said the cadre of the National Mandate Party.

“I also reminded you about the PSBB that was conducted by Pekanbaru City, was there a clear study? The first PSBB policy went chaotic, then the second volume I also reminded that when the 6 districts / cities the PSBB will be implemented. See also from the realization of the budget as of August 31, 2020, only up to 48.75% if the nominal value is only 163 billion from 481 billion. Is there no commitment from the government to allocate the budget? ” added Ade Hartati.

From several hearings with related agencies that were held at Commission V DPRD Riau, Ade concluded that the government had no plans to deal with this. The government should carry out 3 T (test, tracing, treatment) as has been done by the DKI Jakarta government to control Covid-19. “The first test is to do a swab, now let alone swab, we have to pay quickly for the community, which is very different from West Sumatra, which provides free swabs at BIM Airport in Padang. If here, our commitment is not there, then do we really know how to deal with the spread of Covid? ” he explained again.

“The governor as an extension of the central government should have full power to coordinate and reallocate funds as much as possible. If the provincial government has carried out an action plan in the field, the figures will not be like this and the budget will not be left so much. We only see a small thing, why the government doesn’t provide masks for the people. It is trivial for some people but for our society it is hard to provide continuously. Just for masks, they have to be neatly arranged because everyone needs a mask, we have to clarify which one is a priority. In addition, the Provincial Government explained that the aid funds that could be used to tackle Covid-19 could be used at any time, anyone could use it for the public interest, but it turned out that it needed a long bureaucratic and mechanism. It’s not as easy as it says, “closed Ade Hartati.
